See If You Qualify

Enhance the quality of your workforce.

Our proven method takes the health of your company off your shoulders

See If You Qualify

The workplace isn't what it used to be.


  • Stressed and stagnant workforce
  • Everything falls on your shoulders
  • Never-ending fight for talent
  • High absenteeism,
  • Low productivity and engagement  
  • Massive healthcare spend
  • No Wellness and Efficiency SOP's


The fact remains, building a culture of leaders who take ownership is no accident. 

See If You Qualify


are "not engaged" having one foot out the door.


  • A single disengaged employee can cost a company about $3,400 in lost productivity for every $10,000 in salary.
  • The average cost of losing an employee is a staggering 33% of their annual salary.
Enhance your workforce, take health off of your shoulders, and create a streamlined benefits plan for your company.
See If You Quality

The Form Method: A streamlined approach to the wellness of your company.

Functional Fitness

Learning how to use movement to skyrocket energy levels throughout the day.

Optimal Nourishment

Learning how to fuel our bodies for efficiency and productivity.

Rest & Recovery

Creating a process to rest, recover, and recharge to kick burnout to the curb.

Multiplied Maintenance

Learning how to not only maintain progress long term, but multiply the impact of people in your company.

The advantages of an optimized workforce.


An efficient and resilient workforce that aligns with and constantly moves forward the mission, vision, and values of your company. 

The wellness of your company is delegated and off your shoulders. 


An edge in the fight for talent:



High employee engagement


 Increased efficiency and productivity


Reduced absenteeism:


A streamlined and attractive benefits plan:


 Recognition in your industry:


A culture that takes ownership and leads:


Clear sop's that structure the wellness of your company to move the needle.

Go after the cream of the cream. A small team of A+ players can run circles around a giant team of B and C players.” -Steve Jobs


Advantages stats:

Harvard study- Every dollar invested in an employee wellness program yielded $6 in health care savings.

A recent Gallup survey shows that companies with a highly engaged workforce have 21% higher profitability


Optimizing your workforce is simple

Step 1: Consult and gather data

We consult with you to tailor a plan that fits your people, culture, and budget.


Step 2: Enhance your leadership

We take the information from step 1 and craft a creative plan that best serves your company. We believe everything starts with your leadership team, so we start with executive team leadership development through fitness:


Step 3: Optimize your workforce

We then progress to other opportunities in your company by creating a targeted approach that targets and incentivizes those with the greatest opportunity for growth. 


Step 4: Dominate your industry

  • Health is delegated and off your shoulders
  • Your company functions and operates with efficiency in every area
  • Clear SOP's for the wellness of your company
  • Decreased healthcare spend
  • Increased productivity and engagement 
  • Decreased absenteeism
  • And edge in the fight for talent
  • At the forefront of your industry 


Our program works for:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic stress
  • Burnout
  • Underperforming Employees


It's time to optimize your workforce.

1. Schedule a call

2. Optimize your workforce

3. Dominate your industry

See If You Qualify

Matthew Smith

VP of Sales at Medxoom

"Applying the 4 pillars to an individual allows for reinvigoration and a return to focus on healthcare. Focusing on healthcare allows us to better focus on our bodies, our minds, and improve our spending both individually and as a company by taking control of our wellbeing, rather than wasting money on health insurance that isn’t focused on us being the best version of ourselves"  -Matthew

Derek Williamson

CFO at Patriot E&P

Derek lost 30 lbs in 2 months with our method

"There is no possible way you could improve someone's health and it have a negative effect on your business. It's just impossible. It will affect the bottom line, there is absolutely no way that it wouldn't. There is no sense in advertising or honing your business in any way, shape, form or fashion until you fix the efficiency of your staff."   -Derek

What would an enhanced workforce do for your company?

See if your company qualifies for our program. 

See If You Qualify