If you are feeling stuck, do this...
Jun 30, 2021
See, there are valleys and mountain tops in life, health business, etc…
Sometimes we can feel like we are killing it, and other times we feel confused, alone, and wonder why we are not progressing like we were.
First of all… You aren’t alone.
It happens to ALL of us.
(Well those who are actually pushing forward in their life)
For those who are constantly wanting to get better, to grow, to be a good steward of every season of life we will face resistance.
It is inevitable.
Trials will come.
But trials are an opportunity to be refined, tested, and tried.
It is in the trials that we actually grow.
So if you find yourself in a season in your health where you just feel stagnant…
You just feel OK…
You have gotten some results, but are afraid that you will fall back into old cycles.
It’s ok.
I have 2 foolproof actions for you to do…
>>> DISCLAIMER: They ONLY work if you DO them. <<<
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try and do life/health alone. Find someone who you trust and let them help you.
Get around others who are where you want to be and learn from them, be inspired from them.
Find someone who can give you a step-by-step framework to get you moving forward again.
ACTION STEP: Reach out to that person TODAY.
Here is the thing, many of us when we are doing good at something tend to get lazy and unfocused.
We think that we got it all together.
But when life hits us, everything crumbles.
We tend to stop doing the things that got us progress in the first place.
Sometimes it's because we get cluttered because of shiny object syndrome…
Sometimes we are in a really demanding season and we don’t know how to fit everything in.
Whatever it is the principle is the same.
Step 1- Think back to the last time where you truly felt like you were growing and progressing.
Step 2- Reflect on exactly what you were doing in that season to get you there.
(Chances are, you stopped doing one or many of those things.)
Step 3- Start/stop doing those things again immediately.
(What do you need to START doing again, and what do you need to STOP doing)
Super simple, right?
Do this today and I promise you will have greater clarity than you have had in a while.
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